HNS Pool Dehumidification Plant

+ - 1 cm


Visual Slam , Laser Slam,
Line tracking

Air Handling Unit

HNS Pool Dehumidification Plant

HNS Pool Dehumidification Plant

If the partial pressure of water vapor in the ambient air is lower than the saturation pressure, evaporation occurs on the surface of the pool water. A large amount of water evaporates continuously in indoor swimming pools. As a result, the amount of moisture in the air rises to an undesirable level. Due to the high humidity in the air, windows and walls sweat, which causes corrosion and fungus formation in building components. In addition to the destruction of building components, it also causes discomfort in people such as decreased blood circulation and decreased sporting capacities. According to VDI 2089 /1, the humidity in indoor swimming pools should be between 40% and 64%. As a result, it is possible to eliminate these negative effects by dehumidification, that is, by keeping the humidity values in comfort conditions.

Fantürk branded HNS series Pool Dehumidification plants are modular and have double walled panels.

The panels used are 50mm thick and are manufactured using rock wool insulation material.

Exterior surfaces are painted sheet metal in RAL 9002 color as standard and galvanized sheet metal is used on the interior surfaces.

The carcass of the power plants forms a strong structure with specially designed electrostatic oven painted aluminum profiles and plastic corner fasteners. EPDM based gaskets are used for sealing.

Battery type heat recovery units are used for energy efficiency, which is of great importance today.

The fan-motor group is selected in the most efficient way by considering the air flow rate and total static pressure. Fans can be selected as forward curved dense bladed, backward curved sparse bladed, belt pulley or plug type according to the intended use and desired design criteria. Fans with approved performance tests are used. Motors are IP55 class as standard and comply with CE norms.

Dampers used in pool dehumidification plants are manufactured using aluminum profile, aluminum wings and plastic based gears. The gears are outside the air flow. It provides sealing between specially shaped plastic gaskets and damper blades.

HNS Pool Dehumidification Plant

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