IGK Ceiling Type Heat Recovery Device

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IGK Ceiling Type Heat Recovery Device

IGK Ceiling Type Heat Recovery Device

Manufactured from high quality corrosion resistant galvanized steel. Fans are direct coupled backward curved blade radial fans. There is a G4 filter in both directions. Heat recovery is provided by an aluminum plate recuperator. IGK series is the ideal choice for high performance and trouble-free operation.

Electric Heater, DX Battery, Water Battery can be integrated. Easy operation and management is provided with control panel and control panel.

Areas of Use

It can be used in offices, schools, hospitals, cafes, restaurants and residential ventilation where both exhaust and fresh air are needed.

Ceiling Type Heat Recovery Device

The ceiling type heat recovery device is used to provide more energy saving as well as providing ambient ventilation. It saves energy while ventilating in environments where fresh air and exhaust are needed. The working principle of these devices is basically to transfer the usable energy in this air to fresh air by means of a plate recuperator while exhausting the unwanted air in the environment.

With this principle, it can be said that it provides a complete energy saving. In particular, the ceiling type heat recovery device heats the incoming air in winter and cools the incoming hot air in summer. Thus, it reduces operating costs thanks to its energy savings. While this energy saving process is taking place, heat recovery devices do not use any energy source, only the fans working for ventilation consume electrical energy.

What Does a Ceiling Type Heat Recovery Device Do?

Heat recovery devices allow the required air to enter the environment in the desired way while removing unwanted air from the environment. In other words, it does not mix the two airs and does all this alone. On the one hand, it continues the ventilation process and on the other hand, it saves energy.

While letting in fresh air, it also transfers the heat energy in the unwanted air to the fresh air side. Therefore, it provides a great saving for you. You can also purchase a heat recovery device from our company and have it mounted on the ceiling. And in this way, a large amount of your money remains in your pocket.

Advantages of Ceiling Type Heat Recovery Device

Heat recovery devices, which include both aspirator and ventilator devices, have many advantages. The most important of these is that it saves energy to a great extent. Because on the one hand, it sends unwanted air to the outside environment. On the other hand, it brings the desired fresh air inside.

Moreover, in this process, it utilizes the heat energy in this air while sending the unwanted air to the outside environment. Thus, the air needed by the environment is provided more quickly. At the same time, a great energy saving is achieved. You can contact our company immediately to have this heat recovery device.

IGK Ceiling Type Heat Recovery Device

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